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當前位置:首頁 - 產品中心 - 壓路機系列 - 小型壓路機


[發布日期(qi):2022-12-22 11:25:42


  長×寬×高:2190×1170×2335 mm ; Overall Dimension(L×W×H)
  工作質量:2000Kg  Operating Mass
  行走速度:0-7Km/h  Travel Speed
  柴油機額定功率:18.4KW  Engine Rated Power
  柴油機額定轉速:3000/2800r/min  Engine Rated Speed
  小離地間隙:230mm  Min. Ground Clearance
  爬(pa)坡(po)能力:30%  Grade Ability
  轉向角度:33度  Steering Angle:30°
  振幅:0.4mm  Vibration Amplitude
  振動頻率:50Hz  Vibration Frequency
  振動輪寬度(du):1060mm  Drum Width
  軸距:1360mm  Wheelbase
  轉彎半徑:1780mm  Turning Radius
  1. 液(ye)壓驅(qu)動,性能穩定,安(an)可靠(kao);
  Full hydraulic drive, reliable performance, safety.
  2. 無變(bian)速,可自由控制(zhi)車輛速度,操作簡便(bian);
  CVT(continuously variable transmission), can change the travel speed freely.
  3. 液壓振(zhen)動,激(ji)振(zhen)力大,壓實度高;
  Hydraulic vibration, with powerful centrifugal force and excellent compaction density.
  4. 鉸接轉向,機(ji)動靈活 ;
  Hydraulic articulated steering, flexible outstanding performance.
  5. 工作(zuo)率高,經濟性能好;
  High operation efficiency with best economic performance.
  6. 大開啟引擎罩,維修保(bao)養方便;
  Equipped with large opening as engine cover, more convenient for maintenance and repair.
  7. 作業面廣,不僅能用(yong)于壓(ya)實瀝清(qing)路(lu)(lu)面,也(ye)適用(yong)于路(lu)(lu)基和填(tian)充材料的(de)壓(ya)實。
  Can be adopted in variable conditions, such like compaction on the asphalt subgrade and filling materials.
  • 洛陽路泰工程機械有限公司
  • 聯系人:張經理
  • 手 機:13838458786
  • 地 址:河南省洛陽市飛機場工業園區